Monday, December 31, 2007

no work!

I actually woke early, showered and was on my way to work when I called my co-worker to take her coffee order- we take turns. She informs me the office is closed today. HUGE! I was so dreading facing my boss...I've been avoiding work for days now. I've really nothing else to say except I'm so happy I've got another day off.

I don't feel pregnant. I know the IUI didn't work. Oh step...IVF. Can't wait to stick myself with needles. (Sarcasm).


HereWeGoAJen said...

I wish my office was closed today! We are closed tomorrow though.

Michele said...

What is the difference between IUI and IVF?

Yoka said...

Sorry to hear about the fight with your hubbie, I hope 2008 starts better for you and 2007 ended!!!!