Sunday, December 9, 2007

i'll know tomorrow

i'll know tomorrow if it happened or not. i'm guessing no because i feel like i'm going to get my period any moment. i've also been in the bitchiest mood for the last week, weeping in between refraining from scratching peoples eyes out. even though i'm 99.9% sure i'm not pregnant, i'm still not prepared for the disappointment. i really am dreading tomorrow.

my weekend retreat with the students was fun but exhausting. i need to crash. we didn't have heat in our room. the toilet was actually frozen...i swear- there was a whole sheet of ice that just spun when you flushed. i would never have believed it were possible if i hadn't seen it. no heat in our room...i'm still thawing out.

1 comment:

HereWeGoAJen said...

That sounds cold! I am glad you survived.

My fingers are crossed for you.