Tuesday, December 25, 2007


the bleeding is getting heavier every time i pee. i started calling my doctor as soon as i woke this morning and finally got a nurse around 11:00 who proceeded to tell me that bleeding after IUI is no big deal. Oh, just use a pad she tells me. I asked her to look at my information and tell me exactly how thin my lining was. I've done my research now (since obviously doctors don't tell you shit) and found that I need at least a 6. She proceeds to tell me that I was at 3. I freaked and started demanding to know why they made me do IUI for two days and raise my hopes with the knowledge that my lining is too thin to sustain a pregnancy. She had the doctor call me back. Meanwhile, this is the doctor who took less than 2 minutes with my IUI and left me cramping and bleeding. Freaking butcher! She tells me that there is always a chance and that my lining was actually a 4. Then she tells me not to get my information from the internet but I explain that I ain't getting the information from you doctors because you run in and run out and can't be bothered to treat me with an ounce of humanity. not talking to my husband. he left me a note this morning telling me to get a therapist or he's getting a divorce lawyer. so dramatic. ya, i'm the one who needs the therapy...? Excuse me if I have emotions about being unable to conceive.


HereWeGoAJen said...

I'm sorry things aren't going well. You are in my thoughts.

I_Sell_Books said...

Good grief, I'm so sorry you're going through all of this.

I hope no one's accusing you of being hysterical or histrionic, because really, you're not asking anything of anybody that you shouldn't already be getting. For the record, I hate your doctor, and you can tell your husband from me to shape the fuck up and have a little consideration for his wife.



Meghan said...

Wow, what a crappy day. I'm so sorry. I would definitely suggest switching doctors...it is so important to be able to trust that our drs have our best interest at heart and aren't just out to take our money (2 iuis??? they're expensive!!)

And for the husband...sorry he's being an ass. Hoping things get better for you

Michele said...

I do have to agree about not getting info on the Internet. It will just confuse and freak you out everytime. However, maybe you should find a more understanding doctor who has more time for you. I know it's hard because most of them don't take the time they should with patients but there are still a few food ones out there. As for your hubbie. He need to be more understanding. This is a stressful time for you.