When I was a teen I traveled to Israel for the first time and like most people, on my stop at the Western Wall, I wrote a prayer and stuffed it in the a crack in the wall. Unfortunately either the prayer was lost or G-d just had other plans. My parents ended up divorcing anyway.
Still, I'm always reminded of that Garth Brooks song when I start to think about how disappointed I was... "Sometimes I thank G-d for unanswered prayers. Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs. That just because he may not answer doesn't mean he don't care. Some of G-d's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers."
Inspired by Jen's blog, I sought out my own religious solution for my IF problem yesterday. Even though I lived in Israel for many years later in my life, I never attempted to put another prayer in that wall. By the way, I used to eat my lunch there regularly when I worked nearby, so I certainly had ample opportunity to communicate with G-d. Well, yesterday I decided I'll try again.
Turns out you can fax or email your prayers to a group in Jerusalem who will ensure your prayer is inserted in the Kotel. I gave it a shot, and a little donation too (one is encouraged to give charity when asking for something). And now I just hope this prayer doesn't get lost.
I've never had the honor of traveling to Israel. Maybe next year ... but for now, this is a great idea. I'm going to try it. Thank you for sharing.
Whether it gets into the Wall or not, it won't get lost.
I agree with Jen. And this is such a wonderful idea of AISH to help those who cannot travel to pray at the Kotel.
I came via the creme. I hope your next prayer was answered in the way you wanted it to be. I have learned through many hardships that God answers prayer but the answer can be "No". I know that "No" is not what we want to hear but then again we are not in charge either. I don't know if that helps you or not. It helped me when I realized that just because you want something to happen doesn't mean it will and that the answer was "no" instead of not being answered at all. It doesn't always make it easier but it doesn't make me feel ignored either.
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