Monday, December 3, 2007

Poopie Hand

We arranged for a speaker for our students at work the other day. The woman shows up with the cuddliest little 10 month old girl. She was really too cute for words. So the woman wanted to know if someone could babysit while she was presenting to our students. Ok, a bit presumptuous, but we have some teens who can help out. Actually we had three teens fighting for the chance to play with the little girl.

After the woman's first presentation she took a break in the snack room where she proceeded to whip out her boob in front of all our teenagers and staff. She didn't have any kind of towel, shawl or cover. She did it completely for the world to see. Our teenagers, particularly the boys were horrified and left the room.

I personally don't have a problem with public's the most nature thing in the world right...? But feeding the kid in front of teens, totally exposed is a bit thoughtless. So she finishes feeding and then she returns the kid to our babysitters and says something like...she'll probably have a poopie soon. At which one of the babysitters responds, do you have any baby wipes? Not an outrageous question. So the woman responds, no, I just like to wash her tush under warm water. What?!!! Ok, so now I have to get involved because these teens aren't even getting paid for this good deed and they are asked to use their bare hands to clean this strange child's ass. Unbelievable! We found wipes in our preschool.

Skip ahead to her collecting the child after her second performance... She comes in to get her. She proceeds to stick her hand in the baby's diaper and then pulls out her soiled hand and says, Oh, I found poopie. What an odd mommy.


HereWeGoAJen said...

Some people are very strange.

I agree with you on the public breastfeeding thing. I have no problem with breastfeeding in public, but I do have a problem with exposing yourself in public. The exact same actions would not have been okay if she hadn't been holding a baby.

nancy said...

um. Oh. My. God.

Odd Mommy? Fucking crazy mommy, more like it.

Agree w/ the breastfeeding. I breastfed and never exposed myself. I didn't use a cover or anything, but I didn't show anything off either.

What a loon.