Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I don't want to go to work. I don't want to go to work. I don't want to go to work and face my boss. I've no energy for confrontation. I'm going to act as if all is well and kill her with kindness. That's the plan but I have a terrible temper so who knows what will happen. I have my presentation to the Board tomorrow and I'm dreading it. I have tons of preparation to do for it.

Still pink, every day I see pink. My doctor says not to worry so I'm not. Meanwhile, someone called me two days ago to inform me that I have a 2:00 appointment with my doctor on Thursday. I said, excuse me, but what if I can't make it? How about giving me some options. She said she'd get back to me with another time. Can you believe the nerve? Be here at this day and when are you available? Obviously his time is more important than little old me. Freaking doctors.


Meghan said...

I really hope you're looking for a new doctor.

hope work goes well ;)

HereWeGoAJen said...

I'd like to second the new doctor idea. But, I am not totally happy with my doctor's office myself and I am not changing because my insurance doesn't have that many options and we are moving soon anyway.

Good luck with the killing with kindness. That always helps me difuse situations.

nancy said...

Good luck with your presentation. AND dealing with that doctor of yours!