Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My Boss Retired and I Got My Period

My boss retired last week and I've been picking up the pieces and taking over her work since she left abruptly. I've really felt as if I was missing something out of my day by not blogging, but I simply haven't had time to catch my breath. Definitely not pregnant. IUI and clomid didn't work for me. I start IVF next month. Today is day one of my cycle. Jan. 31st we take a 3 hour course (why the hell does it take 3 hours?) to learn about the IVF process. My doctor is optimistic that is will work the first time. He was optimistic IUI and clomid would work though.

Had a pregnancy test yesterday. My f-ing nurse never bothered to call me with the results. I finally called her at 5:15 pm and left a message saying how dare she leave me hanging all day without telling me the results of something so important. She called me back and said, nope- negative. No apology, no freaking sympathy. Cold woman.


HereWeGoAJen said...

Sorry about the negative. That always stings.

Meghan said...

I really just do not like your clinic. I'm sorry their people skills are somewhat lacking. How could they leave someone waiting on a beta? Those hours are so stressful!

At least the boss is gone, won't have to worry about giving her another heart attack. Do you get her job? If, so congrats on the promotion!!!

Michele said...

I'm so sorry about you gettig your period but that's great news about your boss. Hopefully you are getting her job and you can make what sounds like some much needed changes around that place ... and at the same time lower your stress leves. And PLEASE, find a new clinic. That one sounds awful. You need a nice, happy loving place.

nancy said...

Wow, that's lame. I'm sorry about getting AF.

Good luck with IVF! But I would look into success rates. Seems like your clinic 1) doesn't care about your feelings, for example - the pregnancy test and 2) really is hyping up the success rates of all your treatments. You deserve to know the truth when it comes to success/failure rates. It would piss me off to have my re just say "i'm sure it will work!". False hope pisses me off!