Thursday, January 10, 2008

In Limbo

So I'm in charge but I don't have a new title or contract. I'm just doing all the work. I shouldn't say too much I guess about this until something is finalized. Hopefully in the end, I will get the position and/or compensation I deserve for the 12 hour days and the increased responsibilities. Otherwise, I'm the world's biggest sucker.

I appreciate hearing that my clinic sucks and that I'm not being ridiculous and overly sensitive. I'm starting to second guess my instincts so much these days that I just don't know what to think and your comments really give me perspective. I'm sticking with them thru the IVF because at this point, I can't really go anywhere else without slowing down the process considerably, and I want to be pregnant yesterday.

1 comment:

HereWeGoAJen said...

I always end up doing all the work for no additional title or pay! I hope you get what you deserve soon. (That sounds kind of funny, but you know what I mean!)