Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My name is not love

I read a lot of blogs over the weekend and found out that since I have PCOS I am more likely to have OHSS during IVF. But apparently it has something to do with weight, b/c my doctor doesn't think it's an issue for me since I'm thin. Still, I asked about taking Metforin (or something like that) after reading about it on a blog. He's agreed to test my blood sugar and determine if I need to be on it. I don't like the fact that I read about something and brought it to his attention and then he decided to test me. I want to be informed, but I don't want to be writing my own prescriptions. I also asked about IVM which I read about somewhere. Apparently my doctor doesn't find it successful and refuses to do the procedure.

So I was supposed to go in this morning for a blood test but my husband didn't sleep last nite which means I didn't sleep last nite so there was no way I was getting up and making the hour drive. I just called my bitch nurse to apologize and ask if I can go tomorrow (I never miss an appointment). Fine she says, but she really needs my signed consent forms. Uh, hello, you've never sent them to me. Suddenly her bitch attitude mellows ever so slightly and she says, I'll mail them today. Always my fault right?...and she calls me "love" which I really hate b/c I know it's not a term of endearment in this case. We had a British guy at work who always called me love and well, I loved it...but coming from her- I just want to slap her.


HereWeGoAJen said...

I always have to ask my doctor for tests. I just had a whole bunch done yesterday that I asked for and wouldn't have gotten otherwise.

I_Sell_Books said...

IVM is pretty new though, isn't it? I hear the success rates are much higher, but I really don't anything about it besides that and that fewer meds are used.

As for Metformin, he needs to test you for insulin resistance, which is what Metformin works on. While I'm fat, I have very little insulin resistance and so only lost 13lbs - over 1.5 years - on Met. Unfortunately, I gained hear palpitations in return, so for me it was a crappy gamble.

Is your nurse a Londoner? I hate the love thing too...

Trying said...

Metformin is a bit controversial. Some doctors swear by it, and others don't believe in it at all.
As for OHSS, it really depends on the case. The clinic which I mentioned to you was actually really great with it. The doctors there don't believe in a specific protocol like others do - the doctor adjusts the medication based on each individual person. In one case, he saw my wife was close to being hyper-stimulated, so he switched one medication to avoid it. It didn't affect the IVF, and it made it safer for her.