Friday, January 25, 2008

totally mental today

So hekateris got me all worked up with her last comment...actually I was already worked up but just needed confirmation that I should be angry. Bitch nurse is on vacation. The substitute nurse called me yesterday while I was in a critical meeting with my boss. I asked that she please call me back and she said she had many other patients and didn't have time. I begged and she said she'd call in a half hour. Guess what?...she didn't call. Surprise.

So this morning I dealt with Stephanie. Stephanie is the biggest butthead I have ever encountered. Excuse my mouth. I'm a nice person. I open doors for strangers, I give charity regularly, I am a freaking nice person damn it! Why do I have to deal with all these assholes? Anyway, Stephanie is my financial person and she takes an attitude with me every time we speak and it's been like that since day one. I never did anything to her...I just don't understand. Maybe she just needs a new job. So anyway, she leaves this nasty message on my machine yesterday threatening me that I won't be covered and will spend thousands of dollars if she doesn't receive my referral from my primary care physician for IVF.

Meanwhile, yesterday I faxed all the necessary information to my primary care physician but they didn't take care of it. By the way, this is the second time they ignored me. I called eight days ago with the same request. Well this morning I called and cried and told them they needed to send it immediately. That worked.

Since I was on fire already, I called my doctor to bitch about the terrible service I've been getting. I didn't get him on the phone (of course not) but I got his assistant and I proceeded to rant and cry and completely freak out on this woman. I told her how I start IVF in less than 10 days, I just got a big box of scary needles delivered with multiple drugs I know nothing about and I need to speak with someone. I think I scared her. She got me a nurse immediately. Then I went nuts on the nurse.

They probably have my name in red now in their system...crazy person- beware. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the pill. I was on the pill in college and I used to get so nutty...I thought about beating people and I'm really not a violent person. Has anyone out there ever experienced severe rage while on the pill? Or maybe it's just that I'm so freaking scared about this whole process and no one is listening to me.


HereWeGoAJen said...

Hormones can do fabulous things to your emotions. So can fear. I hope it gets worked out soon.

I_Sell_Books said...

Aw, you didn't need li'l ol' me to get the info you needed...

~bats eyeslashes coyly~

And honestly? Whatever it takes to get what you need from this clinic. If they're not going to give you information you need then you have to demand it, with no prisoners taken.

Trying said...

lol from a husband's standpoint, when my wife is on ANY fertility drugs, I'm on eggshells around her. All those hormones don't do any good when it comes to temperament. By the way, did you read about my crazy weekend?

Nicole Brady said...

Heads-up... I never had to do Lupron (thank goodness) but everyone I knew had a phrase they used while on it. "Loopy on Lupron". For a drug I never had to use, that phrase sure stuck in my head!

Good for you for giving someone a piece of your mind. I'm certain that they're used to it so don't worry about them marking you in red as nuts. The fertility drugs make everyone nuts so be prepared.