Monday, November 12, 2007

Thank God for Anna

There is a lab technician (now known as the Butcher) I refuse to let draw my blood ever again. I don't like to be rude so I didn't say anything the first time she stuck me, hurt me and left me with a big purple bruise. The second time she stuck the needle in my arm and then tried to find a vein I went nuts on her. Aren't you supposed to find the vein first and then stick in the needle? I'm no doctor, but what the hell? So she sticks me, then she moves the needle around searching for blood before telling me that my blood just won't flow. Then she tells me she's going to have to prick me again and that's when I said enough...although I think I swore too.

It had occurred to me to ask for someone else after the first time she hurt me, but even though it was obvious she was incompetent, I did not want to hurt her feelings. Her feelings? She's inflicting bodily harm and I'm afraid of hurting her feelings? What's wrong with me? It must have been apparent that I was not happy so she suggested that someone else should take my blood. I could not have been more relieved. I let her pull the needle out and then I fled from the lab. I'm not sure where I thought I was going, but I could sense those damn tears welling up again and I was damned if anyone was going to see me cry.

Once I regained my composure, I returned to the lab and I got Anna as my new technician. Now I have no trouble being rude. I walk in and immediately ask for Anna because she's awesome, she knows what she's doing, she doesn't reek of cigarettes like the Butcher and she asks me how I'm doing. I'm not a fan of having blood drawn...I can't look at it, when it's mine or anyone else's. I faint, I get sick, whatever...say what you want, but if I'm going to have to do this several times a week it'll be on my terms. Thank God for Anna.


Mommy Someday said...

Welcome to blog land! I had a nurse at the ER do the same thing to me!! I am really easy to get blood from, and she stuck that needle in, dug around, and acted like it was my fault! I had a huge bruise that covered my entire inner elbow - from edge of my arm to edge. Good luck to you!

I_Sell_Books said...


The trick to the blood thing? Drink a lot of water beforehand. If they're really desperate, they could try a blood pressure cuff, but I'm telling you the good ones get it the first time around no matter what!
