Thursday, June 26, 2008

question for you

tomorrow i am supposed to acquire maternity clothes from a friend who tragically lost her baby when she was five months pregnant. i don't want the clothes in my possession but i don't want to hurt her feelings. my husband says i'm being ridiculous and superstitious and it's just clothes. i'm thinking of leaving them in my car trunk but i don't even want to drive with them. would you wear the clothes?


Meghan said...

I'd probably keep them somewhere out of the way until I needed them and yeah, then I'd wear them, even with all the superstitions. Maternity clothes are really expensive and I've been taking every hand me down I can get my hands on!

But do what makes you comfortable and causes the least amount on anxiety...we all have enough as it is

Soapchick said...

I would wear them because it would probably make my friend feel like she could help in a small way. I guess I'm not superstitious.

Fat Girl said...

I would probably wear them too, for the reasons meghan and soapchick mention. I'm not very superstitious either though.

arijess said...

i lost 2 pregnancies in the 5th month. yeah, i'd wear the clothes.

Supermom said...

i'm really surprised by the responses. ok, maybe i should consider it. my friends all say not to though but they aren't part of the IF world.

JewishMama said...

Well, as always, I have to be different and disagree! I wouldn't wear the clothes (but would take them so as not to hurt your friends feelings).Before I went through the m/c and IF I wasn't one of those people bothered about the ayin hara, but now that;s changed. I'm not crazy, it's all the meds!

Trying said...

If the clothes make you uncomfortable, don't wear them! You have to like what you wear, and be comfortable in your clothes.

sara said...

I think you feel uncomfortable wearing them, then definitely don't. Maybe just keep them in a place where they won't bother you. You have already been through a lot so be kind to yourself!

MedWriter said...

I think, if your friend gave them to you, wear them in good health - miscarrriage is not a communicable disease. A friend of mine is losing her baby, and she says the worst part is how pregnant women avoid her, as if it was catching. She's generous, doing a mitzvah, helping you out (its true maternity clothes cost a lot!)...I'd say accept graciously and enjoy. Kol tuv, Yael :)