i'll be 11 weeks this sunday. meanwhile, here's my bump at 10 weeks. it's noticeable though i'm not "out" yet at work. excuse the immodest photo. next time i'll cover up.
i've had to switch to maternity pants b/c nothing fits. i love maternity pants and think i'll continue to wear them for good...they are so comfortable...it's like wearing pj's all day.
i've gained three pounds in the last two weeks. i find that amazing since i spend every evening vomiting. my husband is driving me nuts about my eating habits and insists i try protein drinks but they just don't appeal. he says i've got to learn to eat things even if they don't appeal. easy for him to say...he's not head down in a toilet every day. and the heartburn...i've never felt anything so severe. i'm like a dragon breathing fire after every meal. i live on tums.
one more week and i can start to share our news with non-family. we aren't doing amnio until 16 weeks, but our doctor says we should feel confident that our two babies are normal. i'm just praying that's so since i can't do anything about it anyway.
Be Strong and eat what you want to eat :)
The photo is exciting YAY for babies :)
Perfect little bump you've got going there ;)
First thing my OB said to me at my first visit was not to worry at all about nutrition or diet teh first trimester. Just eat whatever sounded good or what I could keep down and that later on we'd worry about a balanced diet. That's why I love him so much I think!
Seriously though, just listen to your body...based on the picture I'd say you're doing something right
You look great and congrats on the 11 week mark (since today is Sunday and all)! Just eat what you feel like, especially for now - you know what's best for you.
Cute bump! Plus, after all the painful things you've been through, it's so nice to read a post about more regular pregnancy stuff. Hope the all- day sickness and heartburn go away asap though!
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