Tuesday, April 29, 2008

no pregnancy signs

so i think the OHSS is going away finally but i've got some strange pains still. i'm being hopeful that it's pregnancy cramps but maybe it's just linked to the OHSS. i still think the butcher of a doctor who performed my retrieval injured me. the clinic denies that she could have done anything destructive of course. all i know is that the retrieval didn't hurt the first time and this time it's been hell. it still hurts when i pee. could she have punctured my bladder or other organs with the needle? i have been unusually tired lately but it might have more to do with my lifestyle these days then anything else. i'm looking for pregnancy signs everywhere but perhaps it's nothing more than my imagination. i keep hoping for implantation bleeding or bigger boobs but i've got neither so far.


Trying said...

Don't worry! Most of the time, there are no symptoms that early. My wife didn't feel any different, and you know how that turned out. Just wait for the test. Whatever you do, DON'T DO A HOME TEST! They're not accurate this early, and you'll just make yourself feel bad when it comes up negative. Only a blood test can tell this early.

nancy said...

Sometimes OHSS happens, sometimes it doesn't. I got it bad this last ER.

I hope you are feeling a little better soon.