Wednesday, April 30, 2008

tomorrow's the day

i test tomorrow. i'm nervous. i'm optimistic this time but i'm not going to take a home test like last time...that was a mistake. i'm having cramps but not sure if this is still the OHSS. i've had a headache since i went to sleep last night but my husband says it's probably allergies. he's really excited. he thinks the ivf worked this time. i really don't know if i'll be able to survive another disappointment. if it's not too much trouble...say a little prayer for me or cross your fingers- whatever it is that you do.


I_Sell_Books said...

fingers crossed! I had AF type cramps a few days before I got my + beta...

Trying said...

Good luck! We're thinking of you!

Denise said...

I'm not the praying type, but you are in my thoughts.

Natalie said...

Wishing you lots of luck tomorrow.