Saturday, April 12, 2008

ivf round 2

up early for my ultrasound and bloodwork this morning. have to go back tomorrow for another ultrasound...i'm getting really close. today's doctor said i'd be triggering on monday but he doesn't know jack about my situation. when the nurse called to follow up today i told her that i want to hear from my doctor, not the doctor of the day. my doctor knows that my eggs develop slower than the average woman and that i need more time on the shots. so i likely won't trigger until tuesday or wednesday.

that's what i hate most about this's just a factory with a different doctor every time. and no one ever pronounces my name correctly. i practically live there and they can't get my name right. but they are the best supposedly, so i smile and keep my mouth shut.

anyway, guess i'm looking at a passover transfer. at least i'll be off from work. i sure hope it works this time. i cried over a scrubs episode emotions are just all over the place. ridiculous. i can't wait to get off the shots.

one more thing...i had lunch with my friend who recently lost her baby. we were talking about how it just seems to be an epidemic in this country. everyone we know either has problems getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. what the hells going on? my doctor said it's because we are waiting longer to have kids, but it's happening with younger women i know too. i don't buy's got to be our environment.


Meghan said...

I's not our age. I was 28 when we first starting trying, in that under 30 perfect range, and still was unexplained.

Hope you get in touch with YOUR doc

Trying said...

I'm not a big believer in the whole environment thing. I think it's more likely that we ingest a lot more chemicals than people used to. I just don't believe in the whole global warming thing.
Good luck with the cycle!!!

C said...

Just checkin' on on ya to see how the transfer went?

Oh yeah, and it's not our age.

*crossing fingers for ya*

Michele said...

I think it's probably a combo of the environment, chemicals (per Trying's comment) and our stress levels. I think we are all so much more stressed out than people used to be. On a different note, when we saw the fertility doctor last week, he told us he no longer does IVF because he couldn't stand that his clinic had become a factory and the patients just being numbers. I thought of you and your experiences with your clinic. Sounded very familiar.